UVpro EKB 100 Disinfection Box

UVpro EKB 100 Disinfection Box

EKB disinfection boxes are ideal for the reliable surface disinfection of various objects and work equipment that must be brought into sensitive areas.

UVpro EKB 100 In stock Brand:


Total treatment · Effective · Reliable

UVpro EKB 100 treatment box is ideal for reliable treatment of all kind of equipment and tools such as medical tools, smartphones or technical equipment. 4 UVC beams (4 x 24 W), two on the floor and two on the ceiling of the unit, ensure maximum performance and short exposure times. For an even irradiation with high efficiency, the interior is completely lined with special reflective aluminum. Ideal for doctors, laboratories, veterinaries and farmers.

  • Treatment without chemicals and residues
  • Acts against viruses, bacteria, yeasts and fungi
  • EKS 100 sluice available optionally
  • Treatment time from 1 to 32 minutes

EKB disinfection boxes are ideal for the reliable surface disinfection of various objects and work equipment that must be brought into sensitive areas.

Additional information


Aluminium, Stainless Steel

Main Diameter(mm)

76, 100, 168

Sub-Main Diameter(mm)

40, 42, 50, 60, 63, 76, 100

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