UV Technology to Disinfect Your Facility Environment
As the manufacturer of all our own lamps, we have unique technical knowledge combined with comprehensive sector application expertise. This means every solution is specifically designed to overcome challenges within your environment.
Whether your business is industrial or municipal, we enable you to meet your market challenges in the best possible way. We offer innovative products and future-oriented solutions specific to your application and we call it our Application Optimized UV solutions.
What you need, When you need it
Industry: Food and Beverage
Protect your products and processes in food and beverage
Our PureLine range of UV solutions was designed with the specific needs of the food and beverage industry in mind. No matter where in your facility, PureLine protects your products and processes from harmful contamination from bacteria, viruses, chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and ozone – all without resorting to chemicals.
Each PureLine product delivers proven performance, and energy efficiency, and integrates seamlessly into your processes. Our flexible UV products can be applied to many parts of your water system depending on your design philosophy.
Aimed specifically at providing third-party bio assayed UV treatment for product and process waters used in the food and beverage industry so you can be certain that the UV dose being produced will disinfect the water, eliminate harmful micro-organisms, protect against bio-fouling
Industry: Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare
Safety in every detail of pharmaceutical and healthcare industry
Our PharmaLine range of Pharmaceuticals sector UV solutions protects your products and processes from harmful contamination against bacteria, viruses and Chlorine without resorting to chemicals.
Pretreatment, generation storage and distribution of the PharmaLine range is applied in purified, highly purified water systems and WFI. Particularly suited to applications where chemical disinfection is not appropriate, UV’s flexibility means it can be applied in many parts of your water system depending on your design philosophy.
Industry: Municipal, Industrial, Agriculture
Drinking water & Wastewater UV treatment across multiple industries
Our ProLine range of Drinking Water and Wastewater UV solutions have been protecting people from harmful contamination from bacteria and viruses for decades. Even at low doses UV provides protection against Chlorine resistant pathogens such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia. UV is therefore used for Drinking Water worldwide as a Cryptosporidium barrier.
Often used in conjunction with Chlorine UV provides an additional level of safety and allows lower Chlorine consumption at much lower costs than Ozone or membrane filtration. At higher doses UV provides general disinfection and at higher doses still it can provide Virus protection, depending on your design philosophy.
At higher doses, UV provides general treatment and at higher doses still it can provide virus protection, depending on your design philosophy. On some models built-in UVT compensation eliminates the need for a separate complex UVT monitoring instrument which makes it especially suitable for smaller communities, where ease of maintenance and initial capex are important criteria.
Industry: Aquaculture
Chemical free treatment process for aquaculture
Characterized by rapid growth, increasing stock densities and tighter environmental regulation, the need for a chemical free disinfection process to control fish diseases and manage environmental impact has never been higher.
Our RASLine range of Fish Farming UV solutions does just that. It protects your fish, your processes and the environment from harmful contamination without resorting to chemicals.
Characterized by rapid growth, increasing stock densities and tighter environmental regulation, the need for a chemical-free disinfection process to control fish diseases and manage environmental impact has never been higher. Our RASLine range of Fish Farming UV solutions does just that. It protects your fish, your processes and the environment from harmful contamination without resorting to chemicals.
SwimLine (Europe)
Industry: Pool and Leisure
Ideal for safe experience in Pools & Leisure industry
Our UV Swim and SwimLine ranges has been providing bather protection in the leisure industry for over 30 years. Used as both a secondary disinfection system and for the removal of Chloramines a UV system is the ideal partner for a chlorinated pool. Ideal because it easily deals with chlorine resistant organisms such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia which are responsible for very unpleasant gastric infections, and it removes Chloramines responsible for sore eyes and respiratory problems.
Anyone who has experienced swimming in a UV treated pool will tell you how bright and clear the water is and how there are none of those acrid smell associated with Chlorine.
UV treatment systems are the future of pool management, with numerous advantages over conventional chlorine systems. Switching to UV systems can provide pool owners with a better, healthier, and more cost-effective swimming experience.
UV Swim (Americas)
Industry: Pool and Leisure
Ideal UV treatment for competition pools
Our UV Swim and SwimLine ranges has been providing bather protection in the leisure industry for over 30 years. Used as both a secondary disinfection system and for the removal of Chloramines a UV system is the ideal partner for a chlorinated pool. Ideal because it easily deals with chlorine resistant organisms such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia which are responsible for very unpleasant gastric infections, and it removes Chloramines responsible for sore eyes and respiratory problems.
Anyone who has experienced swimming in a UV treated pool will tell you how bright and clear the water is and how there are none of those acrid smell associated with Chlorine.
Our UV Swim and SwimLine ranges has been providing bather protection in the pool & leisure industry for over 30 years. Used as both a secondary treatment system and for the removal of Chloramines, a UV system is the ideal partner for a chlorinated pool.
Industry: Marine, Aquaculture, Transportation
UV solutions for shipboard applications
The MarineLine range protects your passengers and crew, and the environment from harmful contamination from bacteria and viruses without resorting to chemicals.
Typically applied after Reverse Osmosis or a Water Maker the MarineLine product delivers potable water safety. The MarineLine PQ IL may also be applied as part of the pre-treatment package to reduce the bioburden on Reverse Osmosis membranes, extending their life and reducing cleaning frequency, available with Super Duplex wetted parts for such applications.
Industry: Municipal, Industrial, Power Generation
Water treatment for municipal and industrial use
Our customizable OpenLine system allows users to expand the system for future needs. The municipal industry is the primary user of open channel UV for wastewater disinfection prior to discharge. The product has a horizontal design that is used in concrete or steel channels in sewage treatment facilities.
The system disinfects municipal effluent for safe reuse or release to vulnerable environments. The use of our amalgam lamp technology ensures an energy-efficient option that helps with water shortages and environmental regulations.
Open channel UV is used predominantly by the municipal sector for wastewater treatment prior to discharge. The product is a Horizontal design for use in concrete or steel channels on Sewage treatment plants. Disinfect urban wastewater either for safe reuse or discharge to sensitive environments.
Industry: Semiconductor and Micro Electronics
Application Optimised UV for Total Organic Carbon
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) is found in all water supplies as naturally occurring organic matter. UV treatment is a very effective process step in the breakdown and reduction of TOC in water to create ultrapure water used in micro-electronics applications. UV systems designed for TOC reduction require special geometries and high-purity quartz materials that are partially transparent to short UV wavelengths.
Combined with our medium-pressure and low-pressure high-intensity UV technology, Nuvonic ”Super TOC” lamps are specially designed for large flowrate or PPB level TOC reduction. We achieve this by using a special 185 nm synthetic UV lamp and quartz sleeve to break down low molecular weight organics by dissociation of molecular bonds and the generation of aggressive hydroxyl radicals from water molecules that break down organic compounds.
Each system comes with a UV monitor to measure the intensity output of the UV system and make it easy to monitor and log performance.
Our TOCline ranges of Microelectronics sector UV solutions protects your products and processes from harmful contamination against bacteria, Chlorine and TOC without resorting to chemicals.
UVpro Water
Industry: Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals, Food and Beverage, Packaging, Agriculture
Immersion systems
Immersion emitters are ideal for the reliable disinfection of water tanks in air humidifiers, air washers and re-cooling plants. By positioning the device directly in the reservoir or in the return tank of the air conditioning system, the process water is effectively disinfected, microorganisms flushed out of the air are effectively killed and the formation of biofilms in the tank and on exposed surfaces is prevented
The various possibilities of water purification results from the different design types. Pass-through reactors are installed in pipes and designed for specific flow rates. By contrast, immersion emitters such as the TS 40 combats biofilms on vessel walls combined with effective water treatment in the tank.
UVpro Air
Industry: Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals, Food and Beverage, Agriculture
UV applications for air disinfection
Air disinfection with UVC enables a broad spectrum of very effective measures. You can significantly reduce the bacterial count in the supply and recirculated air in air ducts and air handling units through built-in modules such as KMD 40.
Integrated and add-on modules for evaporators ensure hygienic surfaces and cooling fins combined with a room air disinfection. In addition to air conditioning, recirculation units assist with constant germ reduction in production, ripening, and storage rooms from 0 – 40° C with a separate ventilation. In contrast, ceiling and wall devices use air convection of the rooms for their air disinfecting function.
Air disinfection with UVC enables a broad spectrum of very effective measures. Integrated and add-on modules for evaporators ensure hygienic surfaces and cooling fins combined with a room air disinfection.
UVpro Surface
Industry: Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals, Food and Beverage, Packaging, Agriculture
Product range for surface disinfection
UVC disinfection of surfaces ensures constant hygienic contact surfaces throughout the production day. Belts and rollers can be kept germ-free permanently during production. Conveyor belt disinfectors of the type BD 2016 offer solutions for belt widths ranging from 40 cm to 1 m. The modular BF system can be adapted for each facility individually.
UVC disinfection of surfaces ensures constant hygienic contact surfaces throughout the production day. Belts and rollers can be kept germ-free permanently during production.