Refrigerated Air Dryers | PoleStar Smart-E

Refrigerated Air Dryers | PoleStar Smart-E

Effective removal of water vapour (to +3°C pdp) from compressed air at low operating costs. Dual frequency ready, with volume flows up to 10800m³/h (50Hz) or 11812m³/hr (60Hz) @ 7 barg.

PSE In stock Brand:


PoleStar Smart-E Refrigeration Dryers [PSE 120 – 1800]

Untreated compressed air is wet. 100% saturated as it leaves the compressor aftercooler, water vapour in the compressed air cools as it enters the air receiver and distribution piping, resulting in the formation of condensed liquid water and water aerosols. Wet compressed air leads to corrosion, the growth of micro-organisms and the formation of oily, acidic compressor condensate.

For a manufacturing facility reliant on compressed air for automation, these contaminants can directly impact safety, productivity and efficiency.

Compressed air treatment is therefore essential and for non-critical uses of compressed air, the refrigeration dryer is an ideal choice.


Refrigeration Dryers

Refrigeration dryers use a closed loop cooling system to lower the temperature of the compressed air to just above freezing, causing condensation of water vapour.

Most of the condensed liquid is then removed by an integral water separator and drained away. Prior to leaving the dryer, the compressed air is re-heated by the incoming compressed air to prevent condensation on the outside of the downstream distribution piping.

Refrigeration dryers should always be installed with general purpose and high efficiency coalescing filters and are an effective way to reduce water vapour, liquid water and water aerosols for general purpose compressed air applications.

Environmentally friendly Refrigeration Dryers, that work with Low GWP refrigerant in compliance with the requirements of the F-Gas Regulation (EU 517/2014), are the best choice to protect your investment, the climate and the environment.



  • Parker PoleStar Smart-E refrigeration dryers are developed around a state-of-the art aluminium heat exchanger (SmartPack), with a large air/air heat exchanger to pre-cool the incoming compressed air and reduce the energy consumption
  • The highly effi cient SmartPack design, the electronic controlled HGV and the innovative micro-channel condensers result in a refrigerant circuit with lower absorbed power and about -40% volume of refrigerant versus traditional solutions
  • The low pressure drops of the SmartPack design and the low absorbed power of the refrigerant circuit, make PoleStar Smart-E a highly competitive solution with lower operating costs vs comparable dryers
  • Electronic controllers, including touch screen versions from PSE 220, providing indication of compressed air temperature, volt free alarm contact, service reminder, data log, alarm history and integral capacitive drain control
  • LED unit status indicator and HP / LP gauges on all models from PSE220
  • Remote communication protocol, industry 4.0 ready, on all units; web server from model PSE220 and IoT ready from model PSE460
  • The Energy Saving feature enables the dryers to save energy at partial load by cycling the refrigerant compressor while cooling the inlet air using the cold reserve stored in the SmartPack mass
  • Variable speed fans from model PSE460, for more saving at partial load and increased condensation stability
  • PoleStar Smart-E dryers utilize compliant scroll refrigeration compressors, offering longer life, lower noise and energy savings of up to 20% compared to piston alternatives
  • All units designed for dual frequency 50/60Hz power supply. Installation flexibility thanks to reversable side of the inlet and outlet air connections on multi-cooler models (from PSE750)
  • R513A refrigerant with Low GWP on all units, in line with the requirements of the F-Gas regulation, protects the environment and prevents from potential disruptions coming from refrigerants with higher GWP

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