Clean, Dry Compressed Air | K-MT 1-8 Series

Clean, Dry Compressed Air | K-MT 1-8 Series

Compact, heatless compressed air dryers for applications requiring volume flows up to 86m³/h @ 7 barg and dew points of -40°C (-25°C and -70°C options).

K-MT | 1-8 In stock Brand:


Adsorption Dryers

Whether a compressed air user wants to control the growth of micro-organisms (essential for direct and in-direct contact applications in the food, beverage & pharmaceutical industries), ensure air used for critical applications / instrumentation is free from water contamination or has external piping where low ambient temperature can cause condensation, adsorption dryers are the go to dryer technology.

There are many different adsorption dryer technologies available and whilst they all reduce water from the compressed air in the same way, they differ in the way they regenerate the desiccant material.


Heatless Adsorption Dryers

The simplest and most common method used to regenerate adsorbent desiccant material is the ‘heatless’ method (so called as it does not use heat for desiccant regeneration).

Using a proportion of the clean, dry process air for regeneration, heatless dryers typically have the lowest capital costs of all adsorption dryer types (due to the simplicity of the heatless design).

Being very robust and having fewer components, they typically have the lowest maintenance cost of all the adsorption technologies.

Heatless dryers are available to suit all compressed air flow rates from small to large, whereas the more complicated regeneration methods are often only available for higher flow rates due to cost and complexity of the designs.



  • Parker K-MT dryers provide a constant outlet dewpoint in accordance with ISO8573-1 classes 1, 2 or 3 for water vapour
  • Parker K-MT dryers provide an outlet dewpoint which inhibits the growth of micro-organisms (allowing their efficient reduction using filtration)
  • Parker K-MT dryers use clean, dry purge air for regeneration, eliminating any risk of damage to the adsorption bed or re-contamination of the downstream
    compressed air
  • No heat is used for regeneration; therefore, no insulation is required and loss of dewpoint on column changeover due to inefficient cool down is eliminated
  • Parker K-MT dryers include Parker OIL-X High Efficiency Coalescing prefiltration and General Purpose Dry Particulate post filtration as standard
  • Fitted with Parker Multitronic electronic control with the option of dewpoint display and dewpoint switching Energy Saving Technology


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