SHM Series Machine Mount PEACH

SHM Series Machine Mount PEACH

SmogHog® SHM Series

The SmogHog SHM features proprietary coalescing filter media technology in a 100% fully synthetic blend of fibers built into a tubular filter arrangement to optimize drainage and provide best in class removal efficiency and long filter life.

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SmogHog® SHM Machine Mount PEACH Media Mist Collector

SmogHog is the most recognized and trusted name for effective removal of mist and smoke within the metalworking industry. Our mist collection technologies have been cleaning the air and recycling machine fluids for companies around the world for half a century.

The SmogHog SHM Machine Mount is a self-contained mist collector designed to be mounted directly onto a machining center saving floor space, reducing installation complexity of duct runs, and decreasing operational cost.

Filter Technology and Performance. PEACH Saturated Depth Coalescing™ media provides best in class filtration efficiency, removing over 99% of contaminants, and delivering long filter life.

Flexible Configurations. Engineered to order per your requirements combined with the flexibility to mount the unit on the top or side of the machine along with inlet locations on three sides to save time and money during installation while providing optimal performance in your plant.

Technical Expertise. Our application engineers and technical experts recommend solutions that are right for your application. We have the broadest portfolio of equipment with the knowledge to understand the full scope of the issues faced in the plant and which technology will be most effective in solving mist and smoke challenges.

Control Technology. The SHM easily integrates with machine tool controls for automated operation. The SHM-08 advanced unit includes a remote touchscreen controller and Electronically Commutated (EC) blower for automated airflow control to help consume less energy than conventional blowers, therefore greatly reducing operational costs.

Easy Service and Maintenance. Designed with service and reliable operation in mind. The patent pending filter design offers a tool-free, easy to service system that simplifies maintenance and are just a few features that will save you time and money.


  • SHM-05C/08C includes an analog filter pressure gauge.
  • SHM-08C Advanced includes a remote touch screen panel w/o analog filter pressure gauge.


SmogHog® SHM Machine Mount PEACH Media Mist Collector

PEACH Saturated Depth Coalescing™ technology provides an open 3D depth matrix structure which allows liquids to saturate the media depth and grow to fullest potential then drain with gravity when the droplet is ready, all while maintaining a low differential pressure.

The PEACH media is a 100% proprietary synthetic, multi-layered media that is engineered specifically for capturing and draining oil mist and coolant contaminants. The unique fiber structure of PEACH media separates the liquid droplets from the airstream in three distinct manners. Multiple airflow paths increase the virtual filtration area of the media extending the opportunity for contaminants to be removed. The benefits include high efficiency, extended service life, and lower pressure drop over extended periods of time.




Options and Accessories

  • Add 6.5” for after filter option. Based on side inlet configuration and drain sump
  • ASHRAE 95% or HEPA After Filters
  • Remote On/Off Disconnect Switch
  • Side Mount Bracket
  • Side Mount Bracket
  • Drain Loop Trap
  • Mounting Vibration Isolators
  • Flex Duct and Duct Accessories


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